Monday, December 9, 2013

Top 5 of Hollywoods favorite bad boys

If there is anything that I love, it's the Hollywood Bad Boy. From James Dean to Johnny Depp, these group of men have not only dominated the giant screen, but have also stolen quite a few hearts in the process. So gentleman hold on to your hats, and ladies to your stalkings because here they are... my top 5 Hollywood Bad Boys (and honorable mentions too!)

1.             Jack Nicholson
No. I’m not blind. There is a good reason I chose Jack Nicholson for my number one. For me, a bad boy is defined beyond the way his looks are. A bad boy comes also with the personality, and by lord does Jack Nicholson have the bad boy personality. Maybe it’s his care-free, clever attitude or those irresistible, yet creepy eyebrows, but in every shape, way and form, Jack Nicholson capsules a bad boy.
 Whether you find him irresistible or not, is just your opinion. One way or another Jack Nicholson has gotten more than enough of his fair share in the bed. His life was all drugs, alcohol, and sex.  Reportedly sleeping with “nearly 2,000 women”, and according to Daily Mail UK, among those is the beautiful Meryl Streep! Angelica Huston, Jack’s supposed one true love, even suffered through Jack’s lifestyle for 17 years before calling it quits with him.

Jack Nicholson is also one hell of an actor, even working with the genius/madman himself, Stanley Kubrick. I mean, do we even need to mention this scene:

2.          Clark Gable

If you’ve ever watched Gone With the Wind, you’d be lying if you said you didn't at one point fall in love with Rhett Butler (aka Clark Gable). Much like Nicholson, Gable was a ladies man. Even as a young man, he often would charm the likes of older women, including his teachers in school!

 He was dubbed the “King of Hollywood” and “was a symbol of masculinity, admired by men and adorned by women” (BIO)  Even though he was often denied parts because of his large ears, Clarke went on to be one of the biggest stars of the 30’s.
For me, it all comes down to Gable’s charm and wit. He was funny, coy, and was never afraid to speak his mind. He slept with numerous women, had a sharp tongue and despite all this, was held to high regards in the Hollywood lime light.

3.          Marlon Brando

 I love Marlon Brando. Aside from being one of the most handsome men to grace the screen in the 50’s, Marlon Brando had his share of controversies. Known often for his tantrums on the set, his constant eating,and his need to change the script.  Marlon Brando was one bad boy that wasn't the easiest to work with.,%20Marlon/Annex/Annex%20-%20Brando,%20Marlon%20(A%20Streetcar%20Named%20Desire)_06.jpg

Mostly known as his role Stanley in   A Streetcar Named Desire, Brando was able to act in, what my opinion is, one of the best movies of all time. He plays an alcoholic gambler that still somehow seems to capture the hearts of swooning women.
 What I personally love about him is this boyish charm he tended to have  no matter what he did. Brando did a test screening for Rebel Without a Cause and I was, the least to say drawn to his ability to be tough, but innocent all at the same time.

  Like most actors, Brando had a troubled relationship with his father even once writing “'God, just give him to me alive for eight seconds because I want to break his jaw”.  Yikes. A quote from the bad boy at his finest.

4.          Johnny Depp

He’s Tim Burton’s right hand man, and one of the most powerful people in Hollywood. Mainly known for his oddball parts in film and his dabble with depression and drugs, there isn't a single home that isn't aware of who he is.

More than that, he is also one of the biggest sex symbols of our time. Teenage girls from the late 80’s to even now continue to plaster his face all over their walls. In fact, as I write this, a Johnny Depp poster is hanging over my head. He's powerful, universal, and some would say, a sort of dark prince figure.
Maybe it's his mysterious, laid back attitude or his ability to be one of the oddest, yet appealing actors of all time,  but there is something about Depp that makes him irresistible to Hollywood and the public alike.

5.          James Dean

Unfortunately the life of this Hollywood bad boy ended short after a drag racing accident. However, by his death age of  24, James Dean had enough publicity and  fan base that he has become immortalized as one of Hollywood’s greatest legends.

Known to have relations with both females and  males alike, Dean’s performance in Rebel Without a Cause didn't fall short of a reality since outside of his acting career, he had a  true love for drag racing.
 He was a laid back,  young and nearly care free. The irony of his death even makes him more of a public spectacle. He's the classic haunted character. Disturbed and always thinking, having a sort of lazy charm to him, it's no wonder why audiences fell in love with him.


 6. Christian Bale- he played Batman and an American could he not be a Hollywood Bad boy?

7. Humphrey Bogart-...Casablanca  anyone?,%20Humphrey/Annex/Annex%20-%20Bogart,%20Humphrey%20(High%20Sierra)_06.jpg

8. Sean Connery- nothing beats a Bond


  •       Hewitt, Bill. Jack Nicholson: The Illustrated Biography. Vol. 13. New York: Time, 2013. Print.

  •  Jacobs, Laura. "Charmed and Dangerous." Vanity Fair Mar. 2013: n. pag. Vanity Fair. Conde Nast, Mar. 2013. Web. 3 Nov. 2013.
  • Kolker, Robert. "Rage for Order: Kubrick's Fearful Symmetry." Raritan 30.1 (2010): 50-67. Academic Search Premier. Web. 2 Nov. 2013. < 8a0305284547%40sessionmgr115&hid=118&bdata=#db=aph&AN=54564124>.

  • Leonard, Tom. "How Even a Married Meryl Streep Fell for Jack the Lad: Stunning Claim in New Biography Shocks Hollywood." Mail Online. Daily Mail, 29 Oct. 2013. Web. 09 Dec. 2013.

  • "James Dean Biography." A&E Networks Television, n.d. Web.07 Dec. 2013

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